Email :
PTR3 : Structures, Fluides et interactions
Téléphone (IUT) : +33 2 97 87 28 82
Téléphone (Centre de recherche) : 02 97 87 45 70 (secrétariat) ou 02 97 87 45 37 (direct)
Adresse : Centre de recherche Huygens – BP 92116 – 56321 Lorient cedex
Teaching activities
- Fluid and solid mechanics (L1 et L2)
- Materials properties (L1)
- Strain measures (M2)
Thèmes de recherche
- Experimental characterization of mechanical behavior of materials at room and warm temperatures: sheets of aluminium alloys, steels and Ti-Mo alloys, elastomers and thermoplastic composites
- Material parameter identification by inverse methodology
- Modeling of the mechanical behavior (elasto-visco-plasticity, anisotropic yield, ductile damage) up to rupture
- Application in metal forming: deep drawing, surface defects, bending, twisting
- My publications
Informations complémentaires
- November 1992: PhD of National Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble, in Material Science and Engineering
- November 2008: Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) – University of South Brittany
- November 2008 : French diploma to become professor (no English translation)
- 1993 – 2009: Associate professor – University of South Brittany
- January to July 2001: research leave – University of Coimbra (Portugal) – Grant from Brittany Region
- 2007-2009: research leave sponsored by CNRS – LaMCoS (National Institute of Applied Sciences in Lyon – France)
Grant from National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS)
- Since 2009: Professor – University of South Brittany
Award from the French government for excellence in research
- January to August 2012: research leave – Swinburne University of Technology (Melbourne, Australia)
Grant from SUT
- August 2013: Invited professor, REEF, University of Florida, USA
- September 2013 : Invited professor, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China
- August 2016: Invited talk, Waterloo University, Canada
- December 2017 : Plenary lecture on « Material characterisation for virtual sheet metal forming »
AMPT conference, Chennai, India
See and download my CV 2018 !